What’s solar cooking this week?

Sage and I were heat-wave opportunists last weekend as we took advantage of 90-100℉ days to try new solar cooked recipes for future Solar Cooking Demonstrations at the Eco-village. We want to use foods in season as often as possible so we hustled to harvest 8 “end of season citrons” from our aka lemon tree. Combining them with last season’s poppy seeds, we made 16 Lemon Poppyseed mini-muffins and had enough batter to also make a loaf. This recipe called for almond flour which was easy to make in a mini-food processor.

I have been delighted to land on Rhian’s Recipes in my search for new vegan, gluten free recipes. Rhian’s recipes are very easy to follow and have lots of useful tips and information.

Carol puts lemon-poppyseed muffins into pre-heated SunTaste oven (250℉) where they baked for 75 min. Temp reached 275℉. After 1 hour, I opened the oven briefly to let steam, then re-sealed it to let muffins brown for additional 15 min.
Lemon poppyseed loaf baked in Global sun oven, 275 – 300 ℉ for 90 min.
Other meals this week included garlic-roasted chicken thighs on a bed of freshly harvested lemon grass. I’ve also been making lemon-grass tea. It’s calming and helps relax muscles after hours of gardening.
Sage requested buckwheat, so I combined pre-soaked buckwheat groats, millet and freshly harvested leeks and cooked them in the reflector solar cooker.

Mulberries are beginning to ripen on the Terrace tree, so this evening, Sage & I spread tarps to catch them. Look out for Mulberry muffins next – hopefully on April 23 – our next solar cooking/ garden walkabout.

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