Freesias! I wish you could smell them.

There was a greenhouse near where I used to live in northeast CT. It was an occupational therapy training site. Every year they grew freesias to sell at the beginning of February, and the fragrance enveloped everyone who walked in. You couldn’t arrive much past the moment they bloomed if you expected to buy some because they sold quickly to sensory deprived people facing a few more months of eastern winter. (We had a saying: 30 days hath September, April May and November, all the rest have 31 – except February – which has 60!)

I planted the little freesia bulbs last fall and wondered if they could push their way through our hard-packed clay soil. Hazzah! they did – and I’m very pleased to have them back in my life. If you’re walking through 117 front gate, say howdy to them & give ‘em a sniff.

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